PeerBet is a fun and free peer-to-peer social prediction game that pits you against other players on the latest sports, political and entertainment events.

Kin is the digital currency we are using within PeerBet. Winning bets will give you the opportunity to earn and spend your Kin within the app.

You can win achievements by playing PeerBet, rewarding you in Kin. The "New guy" achievement – rewarding you for joining and setting up your account – will get you up and running.

Kin is a token on Solana. This means that all the Kin you have inside the PeerBet app sits on the Solana blockchain as a SPL token also referred to as Kin SPL.

To transfer Kin from PeerBet to a wallet, you will need to:

  • make sure you are on the latest version of PeerBet
  • set up a wallet supporting Kin SPL
  • get some SOL for “rent”

What is "rent" and what is it for?

Think of it as the equivalent of “gas” on the Ethereum blockchain. Rent is required to activate your Kin SPL wallet and perform transactions on the Solana blockchain.

Which Kin SPL wallet shall I use?

If you are getting started we recommend either:

Although we encourage you to research and explore the different SPL Wallets to figure out what the best wallet is for your needs & preferences. A list of compatible wallets for the Kin SPL Token on Solana can be found here.

Where shall I get some SOL for “rent”?

You could buy it from exchanges and soon directly from PeerBet.

Can I withdraw directly to an exchange?

To ensure compatibility, it is recommended that you do not withdraw from PeerBet directly to an exchange, and instead use a dedicated Solana-compatible wallet, such as Phantom or Solflare.